"He's great," "It's great" or "It tastes great" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase È fantastico.
Specifically, the verb è means "(He/she/it) is, (formal singular You) are." The masculine adjective fantastico means "fantastic, great." The pronunciation is "eh fahn-TAH-stee-koh."
fantastico or romanzesco
"Fantastic!" in English is Fantastica! about a female and Fantastico! about a male in Italian.
"That was fantastic!" in English means Questo è stato fantastico! in Italian.
"That would be great!" in English is Sarebbe fantastico!or Sarebbe grandioso! in Italian.
Fantastica in the feminine and fantastico in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "fantastic".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form in Italian. The feminine equivalent is pronounced "fahn-TAH-stee-kah". The pronunciation for the masculine form will be "fahn-TAH-stee-koh" in Italian.
One possible translation, according to Google translate, is: sei ragazzo fantastico sei means you are, ragazzo means guy, and fantastico means awesome.
"Everything Italian is beautiful and fantastic!" in English is Tutto ciò che è italiano è bello e fantastico! in Italian.
sara un giorno fantastico
"You really are fantastic! 100 years!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Veramente sei fantastico! Cent'anni!Specifically, the adverb veramente is "actually, really, truly". The verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The masculine adjective fantastico tranlates as "fantastic".The number cento can be shortened to cent' before a vowel. It means "one hundred (100)". The masculine noun anni translates as "years".The pronunciation will be"VEY-rah-MEHN-teyseyfahn-TAH-stee-koh tchen-TAHN-nee" in Italian.
Grazie e fantastico! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thank you and fantastic!" The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey fan-TA-stee-ko" in Italian.
Traduzione dall'italiano all'inglese is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Italian to English translation." The prepositional phrase translates literally into English as "translation from the Italian to the English." The pronunciation will be "TRA-doo-TSYO-ney dal-LEE-ta-LYA-no al-leen-GLEY-zey" in Italian.
È fantastico! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "That's great!" The exclamation translates literally as "It's fantastic!" The pronunciation will be "eh fan-TA-stee-ko" in Italian.