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The question is: ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it)

The answer is: Son las dos y veinte. (It is 2:20)

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14y ago

Normally, that would be an expression of time - "it is 2:00". Literally, it means "They are two".

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15y ago

"It is 2:20"

And then usually, they will specify either "de la mañana" (in the morning) or "de la tarde" (in the afternoon).

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14y ago

It is 2:20.

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What does son las dos y viente mean?

It's 2.20 (time)

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How to say 2 10 in spanish?

To say 2:10 in Spanish, one must remember that any hour besides 1 is called "son", with "es" referring to 1. 20 is "viente". 2:10 would be "Son las dos y viente", or "It's 20 past 2". Las/La always comes before the hour.

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Las dos Dianas was created in 1992.

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The duration of Las dos Dianas is 2700.0 seconds.

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