Fredo is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Geoff."
Specifically, the Italian and English names are masculine proper nouns. They are the respective nicknames for Goffredo in Italian and Geoffrey in English. The pronunciation is "FREH-doh" for the nickname and "gohf-FREH-doh" for the complete name.
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"Name" in English means nome in Italian.
"Shaun" in English is the Italian name Giovanni ("John") or the Irish loan name Shaun in Italian.
"Hi! My name is..." in English is Ciao! Mi chiamo...! in Italian.
Assisi is an Italian loan name in English.
Paige is an English loan name in Italian.
Gary is an English loan name in Italian.
Dylan is an English loan name in Italian.
"Kelsey" in English is Kelsey, as an English loan name, in Italian.
Vanessa is the same in English and Italian. Specifically, the name functions as a feminine proper noun. It is not a native Italian name but instead an English loan name. The pronunciation will be "va-NES-sa" in Italian.
"Jasmine" is one English equivalent of the Italian name Gelsimina.Specifically, the English and the Italian names are feminine proper nouns. The Italian form is a variation of the name Gelsomina. The pronunciation will be "DJEL-see-MEE-nah" in Italian.
"Hello! My name is...!" in English means Ciao! Mi chiamo...! in Italian.
"Hello! Your name is...?" in English is Ciao! Come ti chiami...? in Italian.