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I do not understand what you are referring to. Equivalent to what, and where? There are many colleges and universities within the United States that offer master degrees in social work (MSW). While many who pursue the master of social work degree have a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW), many others come from a variety of educational backgrounds. In addition, there are also some colleges and universities within the US that also offer a doctorate of social work (DSW) which would be the highest level of educational attainment in social work.

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Q: What is the American equivalent to a master of arts degree in social work?
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The difference between a bachelor degree and a Masters degree in social work is to years of college. The master degree is usually only obtained after six years of school.

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No. The degree requires internship.

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In order to have a career as a social worker, you must have at least a bachelor's degree in social work. Some careers in this field require a Master of Science degree or a Master in Clinical Social Work.

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Generally, social workers are people who have graduated from college with a degree in social work. At least a bachelor's degree is required, but it is likely that a lot of places would like to you have a master's degree in social work.

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Yes there are many places you can take online course work to obtain a Master's degree in Social Work. For a particular site where this available look here:

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Social workers who have there master degree get about 447,000 yearly income 234$ hourly.

What does it take to be a certified clinical social worker?

A master's degree in social work (MSW) and -- in most states -- a qualification examination for licensing. In social work, the master's is where it's at. Doctorates deal mostly with teaching and administration.

Where is the best school for getting degree in social work?

School of Social Work at the University of Southern California offers a Master of Social Work and Doctor of Philosophy to you, with various concentrations and sub-concentration, which can be selected. The program also offers a dual degree, which can make students to get a degree in Business Administration, Gerontology, Jewish Communal Service, Law, or Public Administration with a Master of Social Work.

What is the difference between case worker and social workers?

Case workers can't do psycho therapy where as social workers can. To be a case worker, all you need is a bachelor's degree. To become a social worker you need a master's degree. In order to become a licensed social worker, you need to have your master degree. Case workers typically only do advocacy and help clients find resources.

Am I a sociologist if I have a bachelor's degree in social science?

No the bachelor's degree in social science does do make you a sociologist. The educational attainment of sociologists is among the highest of all occupations, with most positions requiring a master's or Ph.D. degree.

What rank is a master's degree in Social Work?

If you are referring to the levels of educational attainment within this field, then there are typically three levels as follows. * Bachelor's degree (BSW) * Master's degree (MSW) * Doctorate (DSW or PhD) (highest level)

Where can I earn a degree to become a school social worker?

Where can you go to school for a social working career?