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Scutum (-i, n).

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Q: What is shield in Latin?
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What are the three shields of latin America?

Guiana Shield, Brazilian Shield, and Patagonian Shield

What does in scuto mean in latin?

"On [a/the] shield."

How do you translate in to Latin God Is My Sword And My Shield?

The translation from English to Latin of "God is My Sword and My Shield" is "Scutum et gladium meum Deus".

What are facts about Scutum?

It is a circular shield that the Romans used scum tum is a Latin word for shield

What is the latin word for shield?

Scutum (-i, n).

What is the translation of the words Shield of Christ in Latin?

Scutum Christi.

What is the latin translation for shield?

Scutum (pronounced /'skjuːtəm/ in English; pl. scuta) is the Latin word for "shield", although it has in modern times come to be specifically associated with the rectangular, semi-cylindrical body shield carried by ancient Roman legionaries. The shield's curved shape covered the wielder's front and sides, affording excellent protection.

What is the moto of the Canadian shield?

The motto of the Canadian Shield is "A Mari Usque Ad Mare," which translates to "From Sea to Sea" in Latin. This motto reflects the vast expanse and territorial reach of the Canadian Shield, which spans across much of Canada.

What is written on the shield?

The shield is inscribed with the Latin phrase "Fides et Ratio," which translates to "Faith and Reason." This phrase symbolizes the balance between faith and intellect in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

What does Coenobita clypeatus mean?

I think "clypeatus" is derived from the word "clupeus" in Latin that means "shield"Felix( in Indonesia )

Amor est gladius ac scutum in English?

Amor est gladius ac scutum is Latin for "Love is sword and shield".

From what language is the word 'parasol' derived?

The word "parasol" is derived from the Spanish word "para" (shield) and "sol" (sun). It ultimately comes from the Latin word "sol" for sun.