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About £30,000 A Year!!

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Q: What is salary for primary school teachers?
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What is teachers salary in Trinidad and Tobago?

It depends on your classification whether you are assessed as a Teacher I, II, III and the year in which you start to work in the Public Service will determine the range you are paid in. There salary paid is different for Primary School teachers and secondary school teachers. The average salary for a teacher in primary school currently is $6200 and secondary school $7200

What is the average salary of the primary teachers in India?

probably not to to much

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Do teachers earn commissions?

Teachers earn a salary from the school district.

What is the pay scale of West Bengal upper primary school teachers?

Mamata Banerjee has said, Full-fledged teachers of state-aided primary schools will now receive a minimum monthly salary of Rs 11,000.

How much money do primary school teachers earn yearly pounds also a primary school pricipal?

The amount of money that primary school teachers and primary school principal earns per yearly in pounds will depend with the school and the country in which they are working in.

What is the play school teachers salary in Chennai?

i beleive that the salary will range from 2000 to 10000,depending upon the size of the play school

What is a primary school teachers wage?

£50 a day

What is the teachers password in ealdham primary school?

change me

What is salary for school teacher in Houston?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for teachers as of May 2008 is as follows.Preschool Teachers $26,610Kindergarten Teachers $49,770Middle School Teachers $52,570Secondary School Teachers $54,390

How much money do teachers make a year in Chicago?

The following wage estimates for a teacher are according to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2007 Mean Annual Wage * Education Teachers, High School: $52,450 * Elementary School Teachers: $50,040 * Middle School Teachers: $50,630

What is the estimated average salary for all public elementary and secondary school teachers?

uk starting salary is about £20,000 - £25,000 for secondary school