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Q: What is politics as compromise and consensus?
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How do you do politics?

Compromise and consensus,this comes in the form of resolving conflict

Which of the following is a reason that there is conflict in politics?

There is no national consensus on some issues nor is there a compromise position on every issue that will attract widespread support.

Is passing a bylaw an example of decision making by consensus or compromise?


What are Conflict and Consensus view of politics in Nigeria?

Black people.

What is dynamic conservatism and the term politics of consensus in the 1960s?

what is dynamic conservatism

What is a disadvantage of group decision making?

The disadvantages are that it often takes a long time to reach a group consensus and that group members may have to compromise in order to reach a consensus.

Why was Henery Clay given the name of the great pacificator?

He found ways to find consensus and compromise to avoid armed conflict.

What can you say about consensus?

Consensus refers to a general agreement among a group of people. It involves a shared understanding or decision that can be achieved through compromise, collaboration, and negotiation. Consensus-building is often important for decision-making and problem-solving in various settings, such as teams, organizations, and communities.

What has the author Alexander Pettit written?

Alexander Pettit has written: 'British Ideas and Issues 1660-1820' 'Illusory consensus' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Consensus (Social sciences), Polemics

What is the difference between compromise and consensus?

Compromise involves reaching an agreement where each party gives up something to find a middle ground, even if it may not fully satisfy everyone. Consensus, on the other hand, is when all parties reach an agreement or decision that fully satisfies everyone involved, without needing to make concessions.

Compromise of 1877 helped democrats regain?

it helped them regain control of southern politics

What demands did southerns democrats make in the compromise 1877?

To regain control of southern politics