Phone in Latin is spelt like phone but pronounced phun.
phone simply phone.
The phone number of the Latin American Museum Of Art is: 708-386-7635.
The root phone, meaning "sound", is Greek, not Latin. There are many English words containing this root, including telephone, phonograph, and phonetic.
Colloq. for Telephone.
Latin is 8259?
The root "Struct" is Latin in origin. It comes from the Latin word "structura," meaning "a building or structure."
The phone number of the Raices Latin Music Collection At Boys And Girls Harbor is: 212-427-2244.
Telephone is Latin Tele meaning long Phone meaning sound
It actually comes from the Greek root 'phon-', meaning 'sound.' It isn't a Latin derivative.
they didnt have phones back then so there is no such word
I know your plight my freind.heres the number to there latin diviision, west coast. mabey you can contact someone. 305-266-3636