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The ability to choose a satisfying job

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Zora Daniel

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Gudrun Collier

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βˆ™ 2y ago

Missed opportunities to earn income

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Q: What is one of the non monetary of attending college?
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What is one of the non-monetary benefits of attending college?

The ability to choose a satisfying job

What is one of the monetary benefits of attending college?

Increased earning potential in the future

Should you move to Florida for college?

The answer to this question is dependent upon where one is attending college.

What is the best characterizes the factors invovled in a cost benefit analysis?


Where can one develop their reading skills?

One can develop his or her reading skills by attending public school, attending adult education classes at a local junior college or library, or attending online education classes.

What is one of the monentary benefits of attending college?

increased earning potential in the future

Besides tuition what is one cost of attending college?

Missed opportunities to earn income

What are monetary transactions?

Most transactions recorded by the system are monetary transactions, where the units involved make or receive payments, or incur liabilities or receive assets denominated in units of currency. Transactions that do not involve the exchange of cash, or assets or liabilities denominated in units of currency, are non-monetary transactions. Intra-unit transactions are normally non-monetary transactions. Non-monetary transactions involving more than one institutional unit occur among transactions in products (barter of products), distributive transactions (remuneration in kind, transfers in kind, etc.) and other transactions (barter of non-produced non-financial assets). The system records all transactions in monetary terms. The values to be recorded for non-monetary transactions must therefore be measured indirectly or otherwise estimated. hope this helps?

Can you have three college majors?

It depends on the college, but I do know that one of my roommates at university is triple majoring in dance, sociology, and black studies. Go to the website of your intended college or the one you're attending to see if it's possible.

Is considering opportunity costs is a rational thing for consumers to do what?

What you sacrifice for a decision is one of the non-monetary costs of many choices.

Is considering opportunity costs is a rational thing for consumers to do?

What you sacrifice for a decision is one of the non-monetary costs of many choices.

What college in Oregon will you be attending?

Out of all the Oregon Colleges that one could choose, Blue Mountain community college seems like it would be a good personal choice. A second choice of college could be Chemeketa Community College.