Nuchal means pertaining to the back of the neck.
The nuchal scan is used in pregnancy to determine if the baby is likely to have a condition such as Down's Syndrome. This is done by scanning the nuchal translucency or the nuchal fold which is part of the brain.
C.B Rigor
The nuchal ligament is also referred to as the "paddywhack" in animals. This tendon is located in the midline of the neck.
Snaffu Rigor's birth name is Roberto Nicolas Rigor.
Rigor is a noun. The rigor of her new schedule was causing her to feel stressed. Some other words for rigor are difficulty, firmness, stringency, and roughness.
Rigor Sardonicous was created in 1988.
Ultraje a Rigor was created in 1980.
Cats and pigs don't have a nuchal ligament. The nuchal ligament is an adaptation common in fast running animals (to keep the head study while running) as well as to support longer necks. Humans and horses have nuchal ligament
Rigor mortice is the (temporary) stiffening of joints after death. Animals do not die of rigor mortice.
Nuchal Translucency