Westside Neighborhood School was created in 1980.
a school in a predominantly white neighborhood that has a higher quality of instruction than a school in a predominantly black neighborhood
No swenson Arts & Technology Is a vocational school its not a neighborhood they had a lottery to pick the students
an opportunity gap. :)
A school in a predominantly white neighborhood that has a higher quality of instruction than a school in a predominantly black neighborhood
Children of different ethnic groups attend the same neighborhood school.
In your school or in your neighborhood
The neighborhood is quiet this evening.There's a small park in our neighborhood.The neighborhood gossip will have fun with this situation.We live in the same neighborhood.These carrots came from the neighborhood garden.This is a good neighborhood for bike riding.There is a trash pick up twice a week in this neighborhood.The neighborhood block party is this weekend.Which neighborhood has the best elementary school?I've been asked to join the neighborhood watch.
Sam, George, and Rameck returned to the neighborhood to give back to where they grew up. The book, The Pack, is about three boys from grade school through medical school.
Sell candy at school or around your neighborhood
She was a superintendent of the public school in her neighborhood