

Best Answer
  • monetary : getting a higher salary, most common types.
  • stress : too stressed in current job, more relaxed environment in to be company, another common reason.
  • motivation : not satisfied with appraisal and other motivation from organization.
  • job security : brand name of the to be company, more secured job, more opportunity to diversify experience etc
  • stagnancy : spend enough time in current organization, need to explore self.
  • location : going closer or at home place.
  • personal : need to inherit family business, getting married and spouse at different location, going into parenthood etc.
  • sick : can't continue to do the job, physically or mentally challenged, etc.
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Q: What is natural attrition?
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Related questions

What is the opposite of natural attrition?

The opposite of natural attrition would be artificial or forced attrition, where employees are intentionally let go rather than leaving naturally.

What does it mean to cut positions through attrition?

by natural wastage or retirement

What is business attrition?

Business attrition is the reduction of the work force through natural means. For example, if someone retires, the reduction of the work force would be considered a normal occurrence.

What is the difference between attrition and erosion?

Attrition is the gradual wearing down of something by friction, typically between solid particles. Erosion, on the other hand, is the process of wearing away rocks and soil by natural forces like water, wind, or ice. In simpler terms, attrition involves the wearing down of material through mechanical processes, while erosion involves the movement and transportation of material by natural agents.

What are Causes of Shortage in Personnel?

Natural attrition (retirement, death and moves), departmental freeze on hiring.

What is the difference between annual attrition and annualised attrition?

Annual attrition is the actual attrition rate for a year or a period of years. Annualized attrition would be an extrapolation based on the portion of a year (for example, take the actual attrition for 6 months and double it to arrive at an annualized attrition rate).

Why are there 5 girls in one of the cactus cuties video?

2 1/2 years ago there were 5. natural attrition...

What sentence can you make with the word attrition?

It was a war of attrition.

Difference between attrition and erosion?

Attrition is the gradual wearing down of materials through mechanical means like rubbing or grinding, often caused by friction. Erosion, on the other hand, involves the movement and transport of materials by natural agents like water, wind, or ice, leading to the wearing away of rocks and soil. While attrition is a type of physical weathering, erosion is a broader process that includes both physical and chemical weathering.

Situation where each side in a war tries to wear down the other by constant attacks?

war of attrition

What is Meaning of employees attritions?

Employee Attrition is the natural thining of workers due to retirement, layoffs, quiting or any other reason for leaving the job.

Causes of attrition?

Attrition is a declining rate in the object being counted. Employee attrition occurs when employees retire or quit and no one is hired to full the position.