In feudal times, lower class people such as peasants were supposed to bow their heads and look down at the ground when an upper class person such as an earl or duke passed by. Nowadays, holding your head high usually means maintaining pride and courage despite weariness, defeat or adversity.
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This meant lively, brisk, holding up your head. A good horse was perk.
Danny zipped across the room, holding the award high above his head.
Benvenuto Cellini's statue of Perseus holding the severed head of the Medusa.
i dont think you can but there is a way to make it stand by holding a tret above his head maybe if you hold it high enough he might jump for it
Holding something over your head gives the mental image of holding it just out of reach so that you will pursue it.
I am holding an apple over my head.
yes it is because the axial skeleton is whats holding the head
Holding your breath underwater is when your head/face is underwater and you do not breath.
what is the meaning of the head is held high
To protect his identity.
holding power