When trying to understand an unfamiliar phrase, break it into the separate words with their meanings.
Marginal means related to being at the edge or margin of something.
A margin is the space along the edges of an area.
A teacher is one who instructs, formally at a school.
So let's return to marginal and consider an example: a piece of paper.
The middle area of an 8.5 by 11 inch paper gives plenty of room to write or type. A margin is only a fraction of the whole, and provides no room for the very important writing.
Let's use an example of wetlands. An area floods and is soggy with water even without rain. But on the margins, there are places where it is not so wet. It could even be dry.
*Something being marginal is not necessarily "bad", but the margin spaces are neither the thing nor is it not the thing. A margin is still part of the piece of paper, but it is not the most important part of the piece of paper. A marginal wetlands is neither fully wet...nor fully dry. It's in-between, even mediocre in some examples. If something is "marginally good" it is only slightly better than being bad or awful.
So a marginal teacher is a teacher, by education and certificate. But the person is not a very good teacher. He or she is not very competent, even if the person passed the tests.
It would be clearer to say a "marginally poor teacher", a "marginally inept teacher", or a "marginally incompetent teacher", because that is what is being implied.
Other examples:
In regards to marginal vs. non-marginal syndesmophytes. Marginal syndesmophytes (intervertebral bony bony bridges) are more commonly seen in ankylosing spondylitis. Where as non-marginal syndesmophytes are more commonly in reactive arthritis and DISH. Marginal syndesmophytes are delicate + symmetric; while non-marginal syndesmophytes are bulky + discontinuous.
The cast of Marginal Remarks - 2010 includes: Arjuna Aattore as Dale(Lead-Supporting) Jenna Heffernan as Lead Chris Jorie as Acting Teacher
My sons Teacher wrote gymnosphere when she meant to write gymnosperm, which is a type of tree. After searching for gymnosphere for over an hour, I told my son to ask his teacher if she meant gymnosperm and that is what she meant to write.
It is the same branch as the marginal branch. It is sometimes given a different name. e.i marginal branch of right coronary artery = muscular branch Least so say my anatomy teacher.
people throwing things out that are perfectly useful to buy a replacement with marginal differences
Marginal damage is a term used in the economics of law that refers to the incremental (derivative) change in damage incurred by increasing levels of risk or decreasing levels of prevention with respect to some kind of harmful activity. Marginal damages are used to calculate optimal levels of damage, risk, and prevention.
Here are some sentences.Your teacher meant for you to do this work yourself.He never meant to hurt her feelings.
Trained Graduate Teacher ... these teacher are meant to teach below 10th class
Marginal net benefits= Marginal benefit- Marginal cost
Marginal cost is
In economics, marginal profit is the difference between the marginal revenue and the marginal cost of producing an additional unit of output.