Haec vita mea est - This is my life. Bellum pace tua est peccatum - War from your peace is a sin.
"is your life" translates into: "e' la tua vita" is= e' life= vita tua=your (femminine) (la means the, you don't have to put the article in English but in Italian you must)
The cast of Tua per la vita - 1917 includes: Filippo Butera Giovanni Casaleggio Giuseppe Ciabattini Renata Torelli
The English phrase 'your life for your family' translates into Latin as Vita tua pro familia tua. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'vita' means 'life'. The possessive adjective 'tua' means 'your'. The preposition 'pro' means 'for'. The noun 'familia' means 'family'.
God, Thank you.
Goditi (one people) la (tua meravigliosa, I won't use beautyful) vita (one people) Godeteivi la (vostra meravigliosa) vita (plural)
Both translations are correct, it depends on the context. If it is apparent you are talking about someone else, "She loves your life" is a good translation. If you are addressing someone, "Love your life" is relevant. If it is not clear, the latter translation is the best option, because you can translate "She loves your life" as "Lei amala tuavita", putting an emphasis on the fact that you are talking about someone else.
The meaning of vita: a female given name, form of Davida
The statement "she is out of my life" in Italian. can be put ' lei è fuori della mia vita '. You can also use online translator to confirm this.
Per la tua vita is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "for your life".Specifically, the preposition per is "for". The feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine possessive adjective tua means "(informal singular) your". The feminine noun vita translates as "life".The pronunciation will be "pehr lah TOO-ah VEE-tah" in Italian.
'vita' means 'life' in Latin. Accordingly, any word that has the stem 'vita' in it relates to life.