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Compliance reporting is a mandatory requirement in public schools all over in the US. There are 2 broad categories of this mandatory compliance, one relating to the student achievement levels, and another relating to teachers efficiency levels. Each public school entity must submit student information in various data and ratio forms to the state agencies to enable the agencies oversee how school is performing in terms of student grades, overall achievement and success in educational skills.

At the same time, since student grades are directly related to the quality of teaching, the schools are also required to keep track of teachers skills in teaching, their professional skills development, and the use of effective pedagogical skills. etc.

There are many software in the market to track student achievement for the purpose of mandatory reporting, the major one is PowerSchool (see below link).

Similarly, there are software for generating mandatory reports with teacher credentialing and other data. However, this being a relatively scanty market, there are not many comprehensive software systems. One company Helios Tech has lately emerged on the horizon with teacher reporting tools incorporating updates of CalPADS, CalTIDES, CBEDS, and other data formats. (see below link)

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