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To say the words 'Only God can save us' in Latin you say 'Deus unus potest nobis nisi'. These words in Spanish are said as Solo Dios puede salvarnos'.

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deus solus sufficit

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In Deo ergo sum, salvus erit

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Q: What is latin phrase for god alone suffices?
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How do you pronounce the latin phrase deus solus me iudicare potest?

God alone is able to judge me.

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Lamb of God isn't a latin phrase.

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The phrase "Wrath of God" can be translated to Latin as "Ira Dei."

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In voluntāte Deī is a Latin equivalent of the English phrase "in God's will." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "in (the) will of God" in English. The pronunciation will be "een WO-loon-TA-tey DEY-ee" in Church Latin and in classical Latin.

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Deum solum timere means "to fear God alone", which captures this meaning. If you want to explicitly say "and no one else", you can add nec quemquam alium.

What does the Latin phrase Deo ac Veritati mean?

Deo ac Veritati is Latin for "For God and Truth".

How do you say 'There is no god' in Latin?

The latin phrase for NO GOD is 'Nullus Deus' although 'No God' is 'non Deus', there is a change in phrase for 'Nullus' is like saying ' There is no God ' whereas 'non Deus' is saying ' no God, i wont do it ' ( just an example ). in french 'non' is No as in ' No, i wont ' and the word God in french ( Dieu ) deprives from the latin word for God ( Deus ) hope this helps (:

What is 'Turris mihi Deus' when translated from Latin to English?

"God (is) my tower!" is an English equivalent of the Latin phrase Turris mihi Deus! The phrase translates literally as "Tower to me God" in English. The pronunciation will be "TOOR-rees MEE-hee DEY-oos" in Church and classical Latin.

What is English for the Latin phrase deus lux nostra est?

God is our light

What is the English translation of latin phrase adjutori nostro?

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"In all things ask God"