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Q: What is latin for chocolate?
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What is chocolate in Latin?


What is the Latin name for chocolate?

"Although there is no word for chocolate in original Latin, modern translation programs use the rules of word construction and archaic Italian to approximate one." Cioccolata- "chocolate"=the approximate word in Latin.

What are Latin and french words meaning chocolate?

The French word for "chocolate" is "chocolat".

What is the latin phrase for seize the chocolate?

Carpe socolatum.

Translation of Spicy Chocolate to Latin?

Of course the ancient Romans had no word for "chocolate", which is from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word xocolatl and had to await the discovery of America to enter European vocabularies. The word socolata is used in modern Latin, and "spiced chocolate" would be socolata condita.

Say cholate in other languages?

The word chocolate is said in Spanish as el chocolate. In Italian it is said as cioccolato and in Latin as scelerisque.

Where did the title Like water for Chocolate come from?

In many Latin American cultures water is used in hot chocolate as opposed to milk

What does the chocolate plant called?

The Latin name for the Oat plant is "Avena sativa"

Where does unsweetened chocolate come from?

Chocolate comes from cacao beans which grow in Latin America. In their natural state the beans have a very bitter taste; therefore, during processing varying amounts of sugar are added depending on whether you want bittersweet chocolate or very sweet milk chocolate.

Where does chocolatecome from?

Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, which are the seeds of the cacao tree. The beans are dried, roasted, and ground to produce cocoa mass, which is then processed to make chocolate products.

Where did the word pretzel come from?

1856, from German 'prezel', also 'brezel', from Old High German 'brezitella', from Middle Latin 'brachitellum', presumably a biscuit baked in the shape of folded arms (in prayer?) dim. of Latin 'bracchiatus', with branches/arms, from Latin bracchium 'arm' : : : :

Can hippos eat fish?

Only the pink ones do.... TeeHee!Chocolate is native to Latin America. Hippos only live in Africa. So chocolate is not a food that hippos have access to.