

What is high persperation?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: What is high persperation?
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What is persperation released through?

Tiny pores on the skin (epidermis)

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It blocks the pores that allow the persperation temporarily.

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urination an d persperation

Why do breasts smell?

The underside of the breasts are one of the major areas of persperation.

True or False- 10 percent insperation 90 percent persperation?

True in spades!

What organs remove body heat?

one way your body cools down is through persperation

Who once said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent persperation?

Thomas Edison

What waste materials comprise the sweat or persperation?

Salt, ammonia, urea, uric acid and lactic acid.

Why did Edison say one percent insperation nintey nine percent persperation?

Genius, also described by Thomas Carlyle as "an infinite capacity for taking pains".

How skin help maintain homeostasis?

The skin contains sweat glands that excrete perperation through skin spores. Persperation helps maintain body temperture by cooling us down

How often should you apply Dermablend to see results?

Dermablend should be applied once a day under normal situations, activity and persperation as with most cosmetics will require you to reapply the product more often