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Friction causes heat. Heat is a source of energy.

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Q: What is heat and what causes it?
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What type of heat causes a burn?

The type of heat that causes a burn is gas!

Does fraction cause heat?

Friction causes heat. Fraction causes heat only with people who are not comfortable with maths.

Heat which causes a change in temperature of substanceis called?

Heat which causes a change in temperature of substance is called specific heat.

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How do you get infinite heat?

You first need to get an oven. Then seal the oven door with silicon glue so no air can get out. Then turn on the oven, a few minutes later, turn the oven off. Since heat causes expansion of Air, it makes more pressure, and pressure causes heat. Then the heat causes expansion, expansion causes pressure, pressure causes heat. and the cycle goes on and on..........

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Friction causes mechanical energy to be transformed into what?

Friction causes mechanical energy to be transformed into heat energy.

What causes a vehicle to over heat?

Too much heat.

What does trapped heat cause?

Trapped heat causes a climate change.

What type of heat transfer causes heat move?

dont know