master of computer application
ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL UNIT Anand bhat(mca@kiit-870024)
The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a postgraduate academic degree in computer application stream awarded in India. Full time MCA programmes normally take place three academic years.
tell me which tye qustion comes in MCA entrence exam? form date?
if in human form click number 5 and get assult rifle then click 5 again. if in mech or mca form click 6 to get macine gun then click again. to exit sniper mode in human form click 5 again{same in mca only press 6}
MCA owned MCA Disco-Vision Incorporated
After bca iam go for mca because mca is the best for next comming year . there are lot of job besd on mca so i gofor mca. and after mca we do self in IT sector
MCA is very useful degree..