If you mean flat as in flat tire... that would be desinflada while the whole word for flat tire is la llanta desinflada.
If you mean 'apartment' - piso
It means smooth, or flat
i think you mean raso which is flat
"flat or small nose cousin"
The main language of Bolivia is Spanish (about 80%). 'Salar' means 'to salt' in Spanish, so it's likely the Spanish word for salt flat is something similar.
'One floor', also 'a/one flat/apartment'.
llanura = (a) flat (area) plano/a = flat (adjective) piso = flat (apartment)
Did you mean "I live in a flat"? If so, then it's "Vivo en un apartamento." It's a cognate with the American-English word for flat -- apartment.
The Spanish word "mesa" translates to "table" in English.
The Spanish word "comal" translates into English as a "griddle". A griddle is a flat, heavy earthenware pan which is used in the UK for cooking flat scones or pancakes. In Spain it might have been used to cook tortillas.
"Moneda" is the Spanish word for "coin" or "currency".
what does domino mean in spanish
The word: billetera means: wallet or billfold in English.