No. Infrastructure is roads, bridges, and things like that.
The personel infrastructure of a school consists of teachers, a board, and an administration.
Buildings, Roads, anything that involves construction work is considered Infrastructure.
the infrastructure of a school consists of teachers, administration, and a school board. This country built a solid infrastructure for the phone system, they don't have to spend money on substantial changes for many years to come.
Infrastructure is considered to be anything that is integral to operating a country. Therefore, a country's infrastructure would include things like the education system, the healthcare system, and social welfare systems.
cos almost all things works by electric
The postal service, the highway department, the school system are examples of infrastructure.Bridgesbridges
US Armed forces have their own training and educational infrastructure so they do take highschool graduates from recognized schools. Woodfield is an accredited high school and accredited high schools are considered recognized in the United States.
complete infrastructure.. have a great teacher... and no discrimination among student.
The cytoskeleton can be related to a school in that it provides structure and support to the cell, similar to how the school's infrastructure and organization provide support for students and teachers. Just as the cytoskeleton helps with cell movement and shape, a school's infrastructure helps facilitate learning and social interactions. Both the cytoskeleton and a school's organization are essential for the overall function and operation of their respective systems.
School training will benefit by the country by keeping the population better educated on many different skills. As technology develops and new forms of infrastructure are needed, people will also need the training to be able to install the infrastructure and keep them maintained.
The postal service, the highway department, the school system are examples of infrastructure.Bridgesbridges