It was discovered by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp in 1995.
Halley's comet - which returns to our solar system approximately every 75 years - is one example, named after it's discoverer Edmund Halley. Another notable example is Shoemaker-Levy 9. It was observed orbiting the planet Jupiter, but the orbit was decaying - leading to the prediction that it was to crash into Jupiter's surface.
The comet's size changes depending on how close it is to the sun and the location. There's no real set size range.
A comet be able to be of sun size.
1 - Halley's 2 - Lovejoy 3 - Hale-Bopp 4 - Ison 5 - Shoemaker-Levy 9 Note: Obviously that's a matter of opinion to some extent. I would have a different list. See "related link" below for a list of some famous comets. Note: Unfortunately, the photo and caption for the "eclipse comet of 1948" is wrong in this link.
By themselves, comets are not really important. Even the most impressive comet, like Hale-Bopp, is a visual spectacle only. But the POTENTIAL for a comet - to strike the Earth directly and cause untold devastation - is far more significant. Right now, if we were to see a comet aimed at the Earth, there is very little that we could do about it, other than stand there and die. The threat of a comet impact, like the ones that have devastated our planet several times before, ought to be enough spur us all into looking for ways to protect ourselves from the inevitable time that it WILL happen again.
The comet west is estimated to be about 37 miles in diameter.
Depends on the comet. Size varies. But they are usually smaller.
Some other examples of comets include Comet Halley, Comet Hale-Bopp, and Comet Hyakutake. These comets are known for their brightness, size, and visibility from Earth.
No, Halley's comet is not bigger than the Moon. Halley's comet is a few kilometers in size, whereas the Moon has a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers.
About the size of Texas.