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City= 도시

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Q: What is city in Korean?
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In which city are the global headquarters of the airline known as Korean Air?

The city in which Korean Air have their global headquarters is in the South Korean city of Seoul, but they have some offices in other cities around the world.

What city has the largest Korean population outside of Korea?

Los Angeles, California has the largest Korean population outside of Korea. The city is known for its vibrant Korean community, with Koreatown being a prominent cultural hub for Korean Americans.

What city is pucca from?

It is a korean show.

What was the North Korean capital city during Korean War?

Pyongyang, North Korea

The Korean war began at what cities?

The Korean war stated at the North - South border, not in any city.

What South Korean city starts with t?


Which city has the largest Korean population outside of Korea?

Los Angeles in the United States has the largest Korean population outside of Korea.

What city hs the largest Korean population outside of Korea?

Los Angeles, California has the largest Korean population outside of Korea.

What city has the second largest Korean population outside Korea?

Los Angeles has the second largest Korean population outside of Korea, after Seoul.

What does Seoul mean?

Seoul (, 서울) is the capital city of Korea and its name quite literally means "capital city" in Korean. It comes from the Old Korean word "seor" (서르), which denoted a capital or main city. The name itself gives a clue about its location at the very center as the country's heart.

What city is the gateway for South Korean tourism?

Seoul and gempo

What city did MacArthur's plan to land at behind North Korean lines?

The port city of Inchon.