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equality of opportunity

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Q: What is called a person having the same chance to succeed in life?
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When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another this is called?

Equal opportunity.

What is the chance of having a distance relationship?

I think the chance is probably a 50 50 it depends on who the other person is.

What is it called if a person is not given much chance to speak?

It is called being silenced or having their voice suppressed. This can happen due to various reasons such as power dynamics, discrimination, or lack of opportunity.

A person who runs a game of chance in a casino?

A person who runs a game of chance at a casino is called a dealer or a croupier.

Is their a chance to ever meet munro chambers?

Not that i know of but on much music there's a show called " My date with " and it's a chance of having a date with you and a friend with a famous person or try looking at all the fan site's and pages .

What is it called a chance a person takes without knowing what the outcome will be?

It is called gambling.

A qualitative test will reveal?

A qualitative test will reveal a person's chance of having a virus. Usually, the results only detect a small chance of a person getting sick.

What is the chance of a person having IQ score at 145?

The chance of a person having an IQ score of 145 is about 0.2% according to the normal distribution curve, which represents very high intelligence compared to the average population.

Who can help you succeed?

a person

A chance a person takes without knowing what the outcome will be is called a .?


What is a chance a person takes without knowing what the outcome will be called?


What is the characteristic called when a person does the right thing?

It is called having 'integrity'