I'll give you the word in English, then in German, then how to pronounce it.
Lover- liebhaber- lee-pa-vah
boy- junge- younga
So the sentence would be: Liebhaber junge
The word for boyfriend is "Freund." Be careful, however, as this is also the word for "friend." To tell between the two, the word for "my" is used in reference to a boyfriend, and the word for "a" is used in reference to a friend. For example:
"Er ist mein Freund" = "He is my boyfriend."
"Er ist ein Freund" = "He is a friend."
boyfriend = Freund
boyfriend = Freund girlfriend = Freundin
Do you have a boyfriend = Hast du einen Freund
"Ein Freund haben" means "to have a boyfriend" in German.
We say in Germen : der beste Freund
You CAN like German bands when you don't speak German in some cases:you like German language soundsyou like music of German bands and overlook wordsyour girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/boss/partner likes German bands
Yes Kiro is, he has a boyfriend named Ricky Breitengraser he is a German TV personality.
"Freund" can be a friend but also a boyfriend. usually most germans know that if you say "Er ist mein Freund" it means he is your boyfriend otherwise you can say "Er is mein fester Freund" this also means "he´s my boyfriend"
Start by having your boyfriend approach slowly with a calm and relaxed demeanor. Allow the German Shepherd to sniff your boyfriend's hand to get familiar with his scent. Monitor their interactions closely, and provide positive reinforcement to both when they behave calmly and positively around each other. Gradually increase the time they spend together and always prioritize the dog's comfort and safety.
She is not married. And she was not. But she has a boyfriend.
Honig.......if you mean like honey what you call a girl or boyfriend they dont say that meine suesse there are a couple