This is how you say it in latin ''bliss lies intus''.
summa felicitas
Latin. It means: "Christmas cheer in a year of bliss"
A bliss compiler compiles Bliss source into Bliss object code which is a step in executing macdine code written by the Bliss compiler.
Kirby Bliss Blanton goes by Bliss.
Edith Bliss's birth name is Eda Bliss.
Boti Bliss's birth name is Boti Ann Bliss.
Cornelius Bliss's birth name is Cornelius Newton Bliss.
Melvin Bliss's birth name is Melvin Bliss McClelland.
Ron Bliss's birth name is Ronald Glenn Bliss.
The possessive form for the proper noun Bliss is Bliss's.
Bliss is an emotion that is much stronger than happiness. Bliss is the extreme form of happiness. The word ecstasy is used as a synonym for bliss. Bliss seems to be longer lasting than happiness.