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Global Warming is a great impact on Humans. It leads a dangerous role in human life. For this we have plant as much as tree we can. we should also switch green plant. We should use a natural sources first. We should have an energy audit and also have to save power and money. We should travel by car, by walking, by bike, by public transport not by aeroplane it leaves carbon dioxide which is most dangerous to our health.

We should buy a local food. Buy fresh food not any type of frozen food. We should go to farmers markets for taking vegetables fruits. We should have controlled on using any plastic bags use any type of cloth bags.Cattles dont eat meat and balance there diet. this cattles give us gobar which gets decomposes and form methane gas which produces less pollution. We should use recycled papers which help in saving the forests. As the human beings are cutting the forests for there own needs. We should give birth to only 2 children

not more than that. Because of this population of our country increases. Everyone wants there own facility, own needs. In our life we should be a catalyst in our life give your vote it is get counted in election. We should become more talkative for encouraging our friends, work, school. We should say our wordings about global warming. Be a representative for such type of work. Force yourself for do such type of work and make the people aware about global warming. We should be strong in our daily life what will happen we cant tell.

Using of house hold things which works on electricity. After our work we should switch off the appliances at the power point. Dont waste electricity it is very precious for us. Use less power watt bulbs at home. We should dry our clothes in line outside in the sun. Use a solar heater for heating water. Use the appliances which having energy efficient ones. By such type of activities going in our country leads to global warming. This types of activity changes the climate. Climate change leads to diseases in that region. Crops in farm get full of insects and it spreads viruses in our daily food.

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Q: What is an example paragraph about global warming?
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Example of paragraph unity?

Unity in a paragraph is making sure that everything "flows." The paragraph should always begin with a topic sentence, such as "One of the reasons the climate is changing is because of pollution." From then on, whatever is being said must support the topic sentence. If you make claims, they need to be supported by logic. An example of a paragraph that would not be unified would be by inserting a random fact about your dog in a paragraph about global warming. They're not related, nor does your dog have an relevance to global warming.

Where can you find a Bengali paragraph on global warming?

You can find a Bengali paragraph on global warming in educational websites, environmental blogs, Bengali newspapers, or online resources dedicated to climate change and environmental issues. Search for specific Bengali websites or resources focused on environmental topics to locate relevant paragraphs on global warming in Bengali language.

Is pollution a global issue or a environmental issue?

Yes it is because it is global warming and any country has global warming for example the Netherlands it's due global warming if not that country will be in a hazard of flooding !

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Global warming

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There are many effects. Global warming is a example.

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Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

What is an example of a natural and human-made disaster?

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Why earth have a global warming?

There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

Can Neptune get global warming?

Global warming is not natural, it is caused by people. Since there aren't people on Neptune, it cannot have global warming.

What is the meaning of global warming in Filipino?

The meaning of global warming in Filipino is "pandaigdigang pag-init."

Why do you worry about global warming?

There are many side effects. Increasing sea level is a example.