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APO:Good Morning! well come hotel holiday may i help you?

Guest: HI. Good Morning! i would like to reserve a room?is there any availability of room?

APO: Yes , which date of you required a room? and which kind of it is?

Guest : 1st June and i want double room.because my wife is with me

APO: Sure sir! it is double room is availbe right now and its rate is 8000 per night.what is your good name?

Gust: oh 8000 per night fine. my name is HAMMAD

APO: SO Please spell your name

Guest: H-A-M-M-A-D

APO: OK great mr.Hammad which kind of payment do you like?

Guest: I would like credit card payment.

APO: Great mr. Hammad what its pin code?please show me your card for authorization

Guest: here it is and pin code is 1123321323

APO: Fine please sign this registration card

Guest: ok

APO: IT IS YOUR ROOM KEY .YOUR ROOM NO. 12 ON 2ND FLOOR .bell boy will delevired your lugage in your room.the elevator is right side of yours.

Guest; fine

APO: Ok mr. Hammad .have nice stay with us.any kind of assistance please don't hesitate to discuss.thank you

Guest: Thank you

This is not really very good English, however. And NEVER give out your PIN code to your credit card!

Writing dialogue is not as hard as you're letting it seem. You have dialogue all the time -- it's called talking. If you honestly cannot think of what your characters are going to say to one another, you need to go take a break and go somewhere out in public. Sit somewhere in the middle of a crowd for one to two hours and just listen to people talking. Then, go home and write down some of the things you heard people saying. That's dialogue.

If you have never stayed at a hotel, go to one now and just listen to the guests speak to the receptionist!

When you need to have your characters talk, just pretend it's you and a friend (or several friends), and have them say something you'd probably say in the same situation. Then imagine what your friends would say in reply, and go back and forth that way. As you become a better writer, your characters themselves will "tell" you what they want to say, because they become like real people to you.

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11y ago

Writing dialogue is not as hard as you're letting it seem. You have dialogue all the time -- it's called talking. If you honestly cannot think of what your characters are going to say to one another, you need to go take a break and go somewhere out in public. Sit somewhere in the middle of a crowd for one to two hours and just listen to people talking. Then, go home and write down some of the things you heard people saying. That's dialogue.

Surely you have been to a restaurant at some time! What sorts of things did you say to the receptionist or maitre 'd?

When you need to have your characters talk, just pretend it's you and a friend (or several friends), and have them say something you'd probably say in the same situation. Then imagine what your friends would say in reply, and go back and forth that way. As you become a better writer, your characters themselves will "tell" you what they want to say, because they become like real people to you.

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9y ago

Writing dialogue is not as hard as you're letting it seem. You have dialogue all the time -- it's called talking. If you honestly cannot think of what your characters are going to say to one another, you need to go take a break and go somewhere out in public. Sit somewhere in the middle of a crowd for one to two hours and just listen to people talking. Then, go home and write down some of the things you heard people saying. That's dialogue.

A butler is a person whose job is to serve people and make sure they have everything they need. Surely you can think of some things a butler might say to make sure they're doing their job! Would they ask if the person needed anything? Would they offer coffee or a snack? Would they take the person's coat and hat? You might try watching some old movies with butlers in them if you can't think of anything.

When you need to have your characters talk, just pretend it's you and a friend (or several friends), and have them say something you'd probably say in the same situation. Then imagine what your friends would say in reply, and go back and forth that way. As you become a better writer, your characters themselves will "tell" you what they want to say, because they become like real people to you.

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11y ago

room service, good morning.. this is rosmel speaking .. how may i help you

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