An enharmonic note is a note that has two names but have the same fingering
The enharmonic of a note is another note that sounds the same, so the enharmonic of d flat would be c sharp.
A note that has different names but sounds the same is called an enharmonic note. For example, G# and Ab are enharmonic notes because they are played at the same pitch on a musical instrument, even though they are named differently.
C flat is located to the left of C. It is enharmonic with the note B.
Do you mean the note? An enharmonic of D sharp is E flat.
The enharmonic note of Gb is F#
It's called enharmonic spelling. An example is C-sharp and D-flat.
F would be C quintuple sharp.
F sharp is the enharmonic.
F sharp is the enharmonic.
A double sharp is the enharmonic of B nature