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Effective learners have the following things in common: * Dedication - they treat learning and studying like a job, and work on it every day * Curiousity - they wonder about how the world works and how to do things * Ability to Be Self-Directed - they are able to motivate themselves and do the work without anyone telling them to do it * Self-Awareness - they realize when they are actually learning and when they need to work a little more on an assignment * Honesty - this goes with self-aware, because effective learners won't skip over work just because it is hard, or tell themselves that they know it better than they really do * Open-mindedness - they are willing to try new things and explore new ideas * Willingness to Risk Mistakes - effective learners understand that making mistakes actually helps you to learn better than doing something perfectly - when you make a mistake, you learn a lot about why that didn't work and also about how to correct the mistake and do better next time

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Q: What is an effective learner?
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