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A senior bishop (in Greek 'episkopos') is also known as an Archbishop or a Metropolitan. If this is the Herculis Crossword I think the answer is eparch.

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Q: What is a type of bishop in some Eastern Orthodox churches called?
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What is the byzantine orthodox?

it is actually not byzantine orthodox. it is actually the church. the churches in the byzantium were called the Eastern Orthodox Church. at first there was only a common church. but later there were dispute among pope and the patriarch and actually the western Europe and the eastern Europe. so,there was a split, in the west, the churches were called the Roman Catholic Church as the pope as the head and the churches in the east were known as the Eastern Orthodox Church with the patriarch as the head. so the reason for the Byzantium getting the eastern orthodox church is because byzantium is in the eastern European side.

What is the byzantine?

it is actually not byzantine orthodox. it is actually the church. the churches in the byzantium were called the Eastern Orthodox Church. at first there was only a common church. but later there were dispute among pope and the patriarch and actually the Western Europe and the eastern Europe. so,there was a split, in the west, the churches were called the Roman Catholic Church as the pope as the head and the churches in the east were known as the Eastern Orthodox Church with the patriarch as the head. so the reason for the Byzantium getting the eastern orthodox church is because byzantium is in the eastern European side.

Which religions was probably practiced by people in the Byzantine Empire?

AnswerGreek Orthodoxy AnswerThe name of the religion practiced in the Byzantine Empire was Eastern Orthodoxy. AnswerPrior to the Great Schism of the eleventh century, the Byzantine Empire was Catholic, and nominally under, or at least aligned with, the Church of Rome. After that point, it was on its own, and called Eastern Orthodox. There were other Churches also called Orthodox, as the Oriental Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox were. They are not the same and should not be confused with each other. The Eastern Orthodox Church is often simply called Orthodox, which obscures its relationship with other Orthodox Churches. The Greek Orthodox Church is part of the Eastern Orthodox Church, but in Byzantine times the distinction possibly did not exist.There are some links below.The "Eastern Orthodox" branch of Christianity was the main religion of the Byzantine Empire

What do you call to the followers of eastern orthodox?

They are called Eastern Orthodox Christians or just Orthodox Christians.

When was the Orthodox Church invented.?

That's a bit difficult to explain. There was one church called 'The Catholic Orthodox church" it split into Orthodox and Catholic. However there are two Orthodox churches which both preserve the ancient teachings and traditions of the original church. Except have a different view of the divintiy of christ. The Eastern "Oriental' Orthodox church believes that christ has two natures but united while the Eastern Orthodox church believes that chirst has two natures but seperate. However,they both are the original church and have not changed the apostolic traditions. So the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches are equally old since they were both founded by one of the apostles,however the Orthodox church stayed true to the original churches beliefs and traditions. But they became referred to as "Orthodox" in 451 AD (Eastern "Oriental' Orthodox) and in 1054 (Eastern Orthodox)

What were the two Christian churches called?

Perhaps you are referring to the Western Catholic Church in the Roman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire.

What is a member The Eastern Orthodox Church called?

An Orthodox Christian.

What is the eastern orthodox church known for?

the eastern orthodox church is steeped in history . it is where the followers of Jesus were first called Christians. Also in Russia alone are some of the more Grander Cathedrals with their spires. also the Churches are noted for the many artifacts found in and around these cathedrals.

What are 3 differences and similarities of Christianity in the east and west of byzantine?

There was no such thing as east and west of Byzantine. The Byzantine Empire was not divided into east and west. Its official religion was Orthodox Christianity, which is sometimes also called Eastern Orthodox to distinguish it from the Oriental Orthodox Churches. The latter is an umbrella term for a number of Churches which hare separate from the mainstream Orthodox Churches found among the Egyptians, the Syrians and the Armenians (the Coptic Church, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, and the Armenian Apostolic Church).

Any coptic orthodox churches in india?

Yes, there is a Coptic orthodox church in India called the Malankara Orthodox Church.

What is the eastern orthodox minister called?


What is a letter from a bishop to all the churches in his diocese called?

an encyclical