

What is a tertiary producer?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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Q: What is a tertiary producer?
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Is a polar bear a producer or consumer?

The polar bear is a tertiary consumer.

Is an eagle a tertiary consumer secondary consumer primary consumer or a primary producer?

They are secondary consumers. It is sure that larger animals will eat them like sharks and seals.

Can you give me ah sample of food chain?

A basic food chain starts with a primary producer and has a chain of primary, secondary, and tertiary predators. This would start with algae as the primary producer, minnows as the primary predator, sunfish as the secondary predator and pike as the tertiary predator.

What are the levels of trophic level?

i think it would be producer, then primary consumer, then secondary consumer, then tertiary consumer.

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producer = grass primary consumer = grasshopper, rabbit secondary consumer = mouse tertiary consumer = snake, kookaburra top predator = eagle

What are three types of consumer?

Three types of consumers are habitual consumers (those who consistently purchase the same products), variety-seeking consumers (those who like to try new products and brands), and impulsive consumers (those who make purchases on a whim without much planning).

What type of consumer is a phytoplankton?

It is not a consumer, it is a primry producer

Which is required by any terrestrial ecosystem.a producer a tertiary consumerat least 5 trophic levels or a fourth level carnivore?

Shouldn't a producer and a herbivore suffice? Like a plant and a caterpillar?

Which shows the correct order or increasing trophic level from producer to tertiary consumers?

primary consumers -->secondary consumers -->tertiary consumers

Is the great white shark a producer in an aquatic ecosystem?

No, a great white shark is a tertiary consumer. Producers are the aquatic plants.