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Incorporating many different kinds of music into one sound track

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Q: What is a sound collage?
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Related questions

When was Liverpool Sound Collage created?

Liverpool Sound Collage was created in 1964.

How do you make montages?

Montage most often means a collage either a photomontage which can be made by cutting and joining a number of other photographs. The composite picture was sometimes photographed so that the final image is converted back into a seamless photographic print. A montage could also mean sound collage where sound objects or compositions, including songs, are created from collage. This is often done through the use of sampling, while some playable sound collages were produced by glueing together sectors of different vinyl records. SOURCE:

How do you say collage in Spanish?

Translation to Spanish: collage, el collage, and el encolado.

What collage did Niall Horan go to?

He did not go to a collage because he was on the X factor and did not go to collage

How many years was Thomas Jefferson in collage?

he was in collage for 3 years!! Tomas Jefferson was in collage for 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is udmlcollage of engineering?

udml collage of engineering are best collage in jaipur and in this collage computer science branch are best

What has the author Amanda Pearce written?

Amanda Pearce has written: 'The art and craft of collage' -- subject(s): Collage 'The crafter's complete guide to collage' -- subject(s): Collage

How do you make a collage of french salutations?

collage on french salutations

What is the full form of GS of the collage that you use in collage?


What collage did elizabeth go to?

She attended Geneva Medical Collage

Is collage an adverb?

No, it is not. Collage is a noun: an artform, or a work of art.

What collage did Harry Styles go to?

He did not enter collage yet.