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A tutor is someone who helps someone else with their homework and explains concepts to them. When it is a peer tutor, it means that the tutor is a classmate. A good peer tutor can really help someone improve.

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Q: What is a peer tutor?
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Definition of peer tutoring?

Peer tutoring is commonly used to describe tutoring that is done between two people who are close in age and at a similar academic level. For instance, a high school senior who helps another high school senior in physics class would be considered peer tutoring. A high school junior who helps a high school freshman in biology would also be considered peer tutoring because both students are in high school, and therefore they are technically "peers." Many high schools, middle schools and colleges have peer tutoring programs in which individuals who have done well in certain classes sign up to help others with the class. For many students, a peer tutor is just what they need to get back on track. Other students may require a professional tutor, who may have more experience and resources available to help the student.

What creature is Max Russo's tutor?

A leprechaun was his tutor in the episode "My Tutor, Tutor"

Why do peer tutors expect you to learn on your own?

Well, any tutor just helps you to learn, but you have to do the learning on your own. In fact, that's what a teacher does - a teacher gives you the concepts and you're the one to absorb the information and learn from it.

What do you call someone who helps you with your homework?

A tutor or an academic coach.

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Do you tip a tutor?

Why, the tutor is being paid.

What is feminine gender for tutor?

The feminine gender for tutor is "tutoress" or "tutor."

Does A peer-to-peer network requires a central server?

NO. In a true peer to peer there is no server.

What to do if you tutor a guy you really like?

If you tutor a guy you really like then you must stop as it is inappropriate behaviour and if anything was to progress in the relationship it could also be illegal.While this may cause an ethical quandary, there is no law that prohibits you from continuing to tutor him. Provided you do not act upon your feelings. Be aware that if you are tutoring as an employee or extension of a school district, any physical relationship you start with your pupil could lead to criminal prosecution in some states. So, it is important to know the laws of your state before you proceed. In states where the educator relationship laws do not exist, there is no issue between you tutoring someone and developing a deeper relationship.Added: There is nothing in the question with which to determine the tutor/student age-relationship.Considering that it IS possible that there is not an adult-minor relationship, and this just might be a peer-to-peer tutor, then the best course to follow might to be up-front and honest about your feelings towards the student. It IS possible that the feelings may not be reciprocal. Either way it will dispose of any doubts and either you or the student can make a decision as to whether either of you wish to continue this tutoring relationship.

What do you quench with a tall drink?

peer peer peer

Is Richard Otu a tutor?

Yes he is a tutor in Erith