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A mini-report has several basic features that are comparable to a full-report:

  1. A Title
  2. Author name
  3. Date
  4. Introduction
  5. Results
  6. Conclusion

1) The introduction should have at least the following:

The organization that you are writing the report for (they usually ask for it)

The issue that your report is considering

Why that issue is important (i.e. Could there be a problem that needs to be fixed? Could there be an opportunity to earn money or improve?)

The introduction concludes with something like a thesis statement: the purpose.

The purpose explains which issues the report will analyse. It is usually the graphs, figures, or findings of a survey. It also expresses what your analysis of this will do:

* identify a problem, or

* identify an opportunity

* identify limits to a current method of doing something


* make recommendations based on this

2) Results generally contain the following:

a) Figures

If you had to make graphs yourself, then label the graphs and title them

b) Findings

This is NOT a graph description.

You should be able to look at the INTERESTING or NOTABLE trends and identify them

3) Conclusion aims to do the following:

a) Summary

In this regard, the summary tries to link the information that you reported in the findings. For example, if one of your graphs discusses where money comes in from (i.e. different fundraising areas), and another graph explains how much your company spends on an event (i.e. costs to organize fundraising events), then in your Summary, you can connect ideas.

I.e. It's expensive to organize a musical concert (Figure 1), and the amount of income from this is low.

b) Recommendations

Here, is where you provide logical, practical, and relevant recommendations.


WHO is asking you to do this report = WHO should be taking your suggested actions.

WHAT are you suggesting, specifically? Please avoid vague words like:

"understand, try to + verb, improve, change"

and use specific words like:

"conduct a study, recruit trainers, lowercosts, provide training..."

Some reports ask for bulletpoints.

I prefer my students to write full sentences to explain the WHO and WHAt (above) as well as...

HOW this will address the issue.

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