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Echoing a key phrase or word

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Q: What is a good way of establishing a firm connection between the first sentence of a new paragraph and the last sentence of the preceding one?
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What is a good way of establishing a firm connection between the first sentence of a new paragraph and the last sentence of the preceding one.?

Echoing a key phrase or word

Echoing a key phrase or word is a good way of establishing a firm connection between the first sentence of a new paragraph and the?

last sentence of the preceding one.

What is a good way of establishing a firm connection between the first sentence of a new paragraph and the last sentence of preceding one?

Echoing a key phrase or word

Define topic sentence?

The sentence in a paragraph that summarizes what that paragraph is about

Precede in a sentence?

The cat allowed me to precede him to the door.

In specific to general pattern the topic sentence is located where?

Generally the topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph and the rest of the paragraph explains or gives examples of the topic sentence. The topic sentence can also be the second sentence of the paragraph. This is when the first sentence is a linking sentence that links the paragraph to the previous paragraph. Sometimes the topic sentence can be the last sentence in the paragraph

A sentence that summarizes what the paragraph will be about is a?

A sentence that summarizes what the paragraph will be about is the topic sentence.

If a paragraph does not have a topic sentence?

if a paragraph does not have a topic sentence then

What is a deductive paragraph?

A deductive paragraph is a paragraph in which the topic sentence is stated first. The first sentence of a deductive paragraph should be the topic sentence.

The sentence that state the main idea of the paragraph?

It is the first sentence of a paragraph which is the topic sentence.

What topic sentence is in a paragraph?

the first sentence of the paragraph is called the topic sentence which should describe most of the paragraph for the reader to understand. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. It makes a statement (about a topic) and the rest of the paragraph explains the topic sentence or gives examples of the topic sentence. The second sentence of a paragraph can sometimes be the topic sentence. Sometimes it is called a summary sentence.

What Establish a firm connection between the first sentence of a new paragraph and the last sentence of the preceding one?

In most writing a paragraph moves on to a new thought or idea. When puting together a cohesive paper, it is important to ensure your ideas flow together along an understandable path. If you feel a transition is necessary, then you may want to introduce the first sentence of your following paragraph with something that connects the ideas. An example of this would be say you are writing a paper that includes arguments made by subject matter experts. Your leading paragraph could feature one argument for something while your following paragraph has an argument against it. If that were the case, I would lead off the following paragraph by saying something like, "This opinion is not felt by everyone though." Then lead into my second paragraph. Overall, the trick is to understand your sentences as thoughts, and what you are doing is connecting these thoughts to make a good argument.