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You need to learn how to invent your own titles if you're going to be a writer, not depend on some anonymous person on the internet. The title isn't really important, anyway.

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Q: What is a good title for a story about a young surfer boy and the tragedy of his dad dying?
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If you're going to be a writer you need to learn to make up your own titles. The title comes after you have finished the story -- titles come from what you've written, not the story from the title.

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Aptness of the title the browning version?

Yes the title is appropriate.Taplow liked the story of the Greek Tragedy 'Agamemnon' but didn't like the way it was taught in the class i.e. drill of a lot of Greek words.In the same way he liked his teacher Mr. Crocker Harris but didn't like his classical nature.

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well kelly slater is the best surfer in the world at the moment with his 10th world title.......

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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Many people immediately think romance, and in fact it may be both, but the full title of the play is The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.