

Best Answer

To calculate a good price for raking leaves you need to consider at least 4 things. 1. Size of the yard and leaf coverage.

2. Volume of leaves.

3. Difficulty in gathering the leaves.

4. Wether the customer want the leaves hauled off, bagged, or dumped elsewhere on their property. We have always found that leaf jobs are the most underbid jobs for new LCO's (Lawn Care Operators). A job which looks like it might take an hour or two can take for or 5 hours. If you are one guy with a rake it might take you a long time to do a job but if you have better equipment such as blowers and vacuum loaders you can do many jobs in a day and make lots more money. The lawn care business materials found at will help you determine an hourly rate and then discover how long it will take you to do an average leaf job.

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