hello idk any about this so try again some other time got it!
The German word for blood is Blut.
deutsches Blut
(das) BlutDas Blut
Aryan blood = arisches Blut
fur mein herz pumpe duetcher blut is grammatically incorrect.Denn mein Herz pumpt deutsches Blut translates as for my heart pumps German blood.
Blut von meinem Blut translates as blood of my blood.
I drink blood = ich trinke Blut Ish treenk-ah Bloot
Blut und Ehre meaning blood and honor
Wiener Blut, /Wiener Blut! /Eig'ner Saft, /Voller Kraft, /Voller Glut. /Wiener Blut, /selt'nes Gut, /Du erhebst, /Du belebst /Unser'n Mut!Wiener Blut, /Wiener Blut! /Was die Stadt /Schönes hat, /In dir ruht! /Wiener Blut, /Heiße Flut! /Allerort /Gilt das Wort: /Wiener Blut!
Mein Blut was created in 2003.