A college certificate is a document acknowleding the completion of a specific course of study on par with collegiate level academics. A certificate focuses on one very specific area of study as opposed to a field of study covered by a longer associate or bachelor degree program.
Certificate programs are offered in a variety of different fields. Certificate programs are designed to prepare a person for a very specific work field.
The study time required to gain a college certificate is often one year or less. Most college certificate programs require the completion of six or less courses in order for the certificate to be issued.
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A certificate is a certificate, and not a degree at all. There are many types specific to many fields and can be taken without prior college coursework, during college coursework, or after college or university coursework. It just depends on the type of certificate, who offers it, and in what field.
A certificate program is 1-2 year program that you can take after you graduate college.
college diploma, certificate
Benefits of receiving a MCA certificate is that you can obtain a great career. The MCA certificate is short for a Microsoft Certified Architect degree. You can obtain it by enrolling in college courses at a community college.
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I personally do not have a bartenders certificate, but anyone can receive a bartenders certificate from a college that offers a bar tending class. They are fun and very educational.
Go to a technical college and take any course you wish to take to earn the certificate. Or you can take online college courses if they are available to you.
its an exam that you need to do before college or after college this is a very hard exam....
George Washington never attended college. He received his surveyor's certificate from The College of William & Mary in Virginia.