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Romanization also may be called Latinization. It represents the written word and/or spoken speech with the Roman/Latin alphabet. It may be attempted if the original words or languages are different from the Roman language and the Latin alphabet. And it may be attempted when there's no writing system at all in effect for the language under consideration. The Romanization/Latinization may be carried out by transcribing the spoken word, or by transliterating the written text. Examples of languages for which Romanization/Latinization is carried out include Arabic, Armenian, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Persian, Russian, Thai, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

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Q: What is Romanisation?
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Can you type Chinese characters using computer keyboard?

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How did the military organization of the roman army and the republic's wise policies work together to help Rome extends its power?

Roman military efficiency was in great part based on the ability of the state of the Republic to organise the army eficiantly and coordinate the campaigns of several legions of different fronts at the same time. This is one of the elements which enabled Rome to win the three Samnite wars which led to her expansion into central and southern Italy. Rome did not conquer the peoples it defeated in these wars. Instead it made alliances with them under which they had to supply soldiers who fought in auxiliary troops which supported the Roman legions at their expense. This system worked because Rome supported the ruling elites of these people and she shared the spoils of wars, which could be considerable. Rome also ensured control by founding colonies (settlements) in their territories, which acted as sounding posts and also fostered a degree of Romanisation. The allies supplied some 60% of the military manpower available to Rome, making her a superpower in the Mediterranean.