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New in Arabic is

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How do you say happy new year in Arabic?

Happy new year : sanaa sa'eeda ( in Arabic ). and it is written this way : سنة سعيدة

Why there is alot Arabic people i new Orleans?

Because the Arabic people is a lot of malls and shopping.

Where could one view a cartoon in Arabic?

Syraj has a site for teaching Arabic that has cartoons on it. There is also a new Cartoon Network that is broadcasted in the Arabic language. Most Arabic cartoons are used for teaching.

How do you say New York in Arabic?

simply New York نيو يورك

How do you say I'm from New York in Arabic?

"I'm from New York" in Arabic is "أنا من نيو يورك" ("'na mn nyu yurk" or "'anaa min New York", pronounced "anna meen New York").

What does John mean in Arabic?

John is not a name of Arabic origin, so it does not have any meaning in Arabic. The Arabic equivalent of John does exist, because of the translations of the Bible. The name of John in the New Testament is Yuhna - pronounce the "h" (ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ).

What is meaning of word or name Naya?

"Naya" is a name of Arabic origin that means "new" or "renewed." It is often used to symbolize freshness, growth, and new beginnings.

New words in Arabic?

Terms : mostalahat ( in Arabic ). and it is written this way : مصطلحات

Was there ever any Arabic nba player?

No, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was not arabic; he was born as Ferdinand Lewis 'Lew' Alcindor in New York with African American heritage, not Arabic. He changed his name after converting to Islam, which does not necessarily mean he even learned arabic.

How do you say 'new day' in Arabic?

yawm(un) jadeed(un)