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Q: What is Latin for eight?
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How do you say eight in latin?

eight in latin is "octo"

What is Latin for three eight five eight?

If you mean: 3858 then in Latin or Roman numerals it is MMMDCCCLVIII

Does octonaribus mean eight nostrils in Latin?

Yes. Octonaribus does mean eight nostrils in Latin.

What is eight in Latin?


What does the latin word 'octo' mean?

It means 'eight.'

What is the latin word for eight?

"octo" i think

How do you say thirty eight in Latin?

Thirty-eight = Duodequadraginta Literally, 'two from forty'

What does octo-lateral mean?

Eight-sided, from Latin octo, "eight", and latus, "side".

What did the prefix octo originate from?

The Latin word for "eight."

What is the Latin root meaning for eight?

Octo - As in octo-ber was 8th month (old calendar) Or octo-pus has 8 arms

For what Latin number is October named?

Octo, meaning 'eight.'

How many figures does a octagon has?

Oct" is Latin for Eight. An Octagon would mean it can be divided into eight even parts