"schliesslich" (actually: "schließlich" and ? reads as ss)
You can also say zuletzt and endlich
The German translation of empress is Kaiserin.
The German translation of surprise is Überraschung.
The German translation for the name Geoffrey is "Gottfried."
The German translation of the word copied is kopiert. The English word copied can also be translated as _bertragen, abschreiben, nachbilden or imitieren in German.
"Derek" does not have a direct translation in German. It is a proper name that can be used in German-speaking countries as is, without translation.
Jenny is just Jenny in German; there is no German translation.
There is no direct German translation, the closest translation is Gott sei dank!
How do you say wedding in German
The German translation of exterminate is:AusrottenVertilgen
There is no one German word to mean both empty and hand.The German translation for hand is HandThe German translation for empty is leer
There have been many German versions of the Bible, but the best-known one is Martin Luther's translation into German. His translation is often praised for its lyrical and poetic qualities.
It is the same in German as it is in English: Ghavinne; there is no German translation.