Andrew Connor (or more accurately, Andrew William Joseph Connor) is the product of Rita Ivy Connor and Michael William Connor. Therefore Andrew Connor = (Rita Ivy Connor + Michael William Connor) - Juliet Rosalind Connor.
Connor Zilinskas goes by Connor.
You can say "Je m'appelle Connor" in French to mean "My name is Connor."
Kevin Connor has written: 'Kevin Connor (Australia)'
The tattoo that Connor has on his left hand/index finger says, "VERITAS," which is Latin for "Truth." Murphy also has a tattoo in the same place but on his right hand, that says, "AEQUITAS," which is Latin for "Justice/Equality."
No connor is mean
no your not connor Mcnaulty is a legend
Connor Garvey is a singer.
Edgar Connor's birth name is Edgar Marcelis Connor.
Connor Hutcherson's birth name is Connor Mason Hutcherson.