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Dies Natalis Invicti Solis - the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun - is the celebration of the day when the nights begin to get shorter originating from various Roman sun-based cults, including possibly the Mithraic Mysteries. The Winter solstice is on 21 December, but the days don't start getting noticeably longer till about the 25th. Christianity took over this festival and adapted it in the form of Christmas (early Christianity and Mithraism had many parallels) in celebration of Jesus.

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For classical Latin, basically it is pronounced exactly like it would be in English, except the vowels are different. A is pronounced a long A as in "Ah ha!" E is pronounced as a short A, as in "Ale" I is pronounced as a long E as in "Easy" O is pronounced as a long O as in "Oh no" U is pronounced EW, as in "Jew"

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Dies natalis means simply "birthday": dies is "day", and natalis is "natal; pertaining to birth" (natalis can be used by itself to mean "birthday" as well).If you wanted to say "Happy Birthday" you would say Felix Dies Natalis, or simply Felix Natalis.

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