most definitely, just search google for adison high school scam. BBB has rated them as F. Dont waste your money.
You can get a GED quickly but GED is not a high school diploma and it does not get as much value as a high school diploma. There are some online high schools that offer high school diplomas on the basis of work experience and prior learning. Beware of scam though, remember private schools need accreditation to issue a high school diploma so if this Adison high school offers an accredited diploma then you are probably safe.
The phone number of the Scott High School is: 423-663-2805.
The phone number of the Somerville High School is: 908-218-4108.
The phone number of the Massapequa High School is: 516-797-6600.
The online adison high school diploma is not typically recognized or accredited by traditional educational accreditation bodies. It's important to thoroughly research the institution's accreditation status before enrolling to ensure that the diploma will be accepted by colleges or employers.
The phone number of the Illinois High School Athletic is: 815-879-3263.
The phone number of the Albert Einstein High School is: 301-929-2200.
There is a high school is Alexandria, Virginia that has a phone number if someone wishes to contact them. The number for the Episcopal High School is 703-933-3000, which brings you to the general operator.
The phone number of the Hendrick Hudson High School is: 914-739-0014.
The phone number of the Louisiana High School Athletic is: 225-296-5882.
The phone number of the Central High School Museum is: 405-291-2503.