Adios muchachos
Well, adios muchachos would mean see ya, boys. Are you sure it wasn't that?
Carlos Gardel
the lyrics are.... adios muchachos, companeros de mi via, barra querida en otros tiempos me toca a mi hoy, emprender mi retirdada debo alejarme de mi buena muchachada
Muchachos impacientes was created in 1966.
The duration of Adiós muchachos is 1.42 hours.
Adiós muchachos was created on 1954-01-19.
Qué adivinan los muchachos = "What do the boys guess?"
Muchachos de la ciudad was created in 1937.
Muchachos impacientes - 1966 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
adios in Tagalog - paalam
Los Muchachos de mi barrio was created in 1970.